Celeste Harris Appointed Deputy Commissioner
After 20 years as a partner with Maynard & Harris Attorneys at Law, PLLC, Celeste Harris has left the firm to pursue an opportunity as a Deputy Commissioner with the North Carolina Industrial Commission.
Celeste has a long history of representing individuals in workers’ compensation, personal injury, and social security disability law. A former registered nurse in the surgical intensive care unit for a Missouri Veteran’s Administration hospital, Celeste brings a unique perspective to her work protecting the rights of those killed or injured while on the job or due to the negligence of others. While with Maynard & Harris, she mainly handled workers’ compensation cases and became one of the first North Carolina State Bar Board Certified Specialists in workers’ compensation in Winston-Salem.
As Deputy Commissioner of the NC Industrial Commission, Celeste will be hearing cases assigned to the Winston-Salem regional office and responsible for effectively and fairly administering North Carolina’s Workers’ Compensation Act and Tort Claims Act.
We wish Celeste the best in her new job and know she will make an excellent deputy commissioner.
Celeste’s departure and appointment as Deputy Commissioner required Maynard & Harris Attorneys at Law, PLLC, to become the Law Offices of C. Douglas Maynard, Jr., PLLC. With Doug Maynard as the principal attorney at the firm, they will solely focus on personal injury, workers’ compensation, and insurance disputes.